Thank you for your interest in my for sale gallery, to view images in better detail go to “My Entire Gallery” page. These are all original artworks, none have been used for prints or other media. All artwork is 1/1 and will not be used in the future for prints unless otherwise stated in advance of purchase from the artist.

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in purchasing any of the pieces I have on display here. Please email me at All prices in Canadian dollars. All transactions will be via e-transfer at this time. Shipping costs will be calculated and due prior to shipment. Shipments are via Canada post with tracking. All paintings remain the copyright of the artist and cannot be reproduced in any way without written consent.

Acrylic painting blue and gold macaw

Blue and Gold Macaw, 12 x 24 acrylic on canvas board. $300 framed

Acrylic Painting Band of mares
Acrylic painting Arctic fox

Mares out of Darkness, 12 x 24 acrylic on canvas board. $300 framed.

acrylic painting elephant herd

Arctic Fox, 8 x 10 acrylic on standard profile 3/4 inch bar canvas. $125 unframed but ready to hang.

acrylic painting big horn sheep

Herd of Elephants on Black, 12 x 24 acrylic on canvas board. $300 framed

acrylic painting barn owl

“Clay Banks and Sweet Clover” 16 x 20 acrylic on canvas board. Already framed $375

acrylic painting tiger

“Inevitable” 9 x 12 acrylic on standard profile 3/4 inch bar canvas. $125 unframed but ready to hang.

acrylic painting red panda

“Out of Darkness” 16 x 20 acrylic on Oval Fredrix Convexo Canvas. $275 unframed but ready to hang.

acrylic painting tiger

Red Panda 16 x 20 acrylic on Oval Fredrix Convexo Canvas. $275unframed but ready to hang.

Sumatran Tiger Eyes 8 x 10 acrylics on Rectagular Fredrix Convexo Canvas $150 unframed but ready to hang.

acrylic painting lion
acrylic painting tiger cub

“Tasty Morsel” 9 x 12 acrylic on Oval Fredrix Convexo Canvas $200 unframed but ready to hang.

Tiger cub in a tree 12 x 16 acrylic on rectagular Fredrix Convexo Canvas $300 unframed but ready to hang.

pastel painting big horn sheep portrait
pastel painting bobcat in snow

Big Horn Sheep Portrait 9 x 12 pastels on pastelmat $100 unframed

Bobcat in the snow 14 x 18 pastel on Velour Framed with non-glare glass $325

“Please Don’t Lick the Frogs!” SOLD

Bull Elk 16 x 20 pastel on pastelmat Double matted and framed with non-glare glass $325

pastel painting eurasian lynx

Eurasian Lynx 19 x 27 pastel on Pastelmat board $400 unframed

pastel painting fennec fox pair

Fennec Fox Pair 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat Framed and matted $275

pastel painting red fox portrait

Red Fox portrait 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat matted $125

pastel painting hyena portrait

Hyena portrait 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat $100 unframed

pastel painting cougar cub

‘I Dare You” 19 x 27 pastel on pastelmat board Framed $575

pastel painting red fox
pastel painting jaguar portrait

“I See You” 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat framed and matted $175

pastel painting little owl in flight

Jaguar Portrait 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat unframed $100

pastel painting african painted dog

Little Owl 16 x 24 pastel on pastelmat board matted and backed but not framed $250

pastel painting porcupine

African Painted Dog 22 x 24 pastel on pastelmat board matted and backed but not framed $250

pastel painting red panda

Porcupine 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat matted and backed but not framed $150

pastel painting tiger cub resting

Potted Red Panda 14 x 17 pastel on pastelmat framed and matted $275

pastel painting chipmunk with peanuts

Resting Tiger Cub 19 x 24 pastel on pastelmat framed and matted $325

pastel painting ocelot

“Sharing my Peanuts” 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat unframed $100

“Skyward” 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat framed and matted $175

pastel painting tiger sumatran tiger

Sumatran tiger Portrait 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat unframed $100

Rhino and Calf 16 x 8 Acrylic on Canvas Board $175 framed

Billy 9 x 12 Pastel on Pastelmat SOLD

pastel painting tiger

Tiger 19 x 27 pastel on pastelmat framed and double matted $900

pastel painting tiger

Tiger Too 18 x 24 pastel on pastelmat unframed $200

Barn Owl in pastel framed pastel art

Barn Owl landing in pastel on pastelmat board 13 x 18 matted and framed to 20 x 26 $300

Giant Panda 9 x 12 Pastel on Pastelmat Framed $275

Buck in Pastels 9 x 12 Matted and Framed $175

graphite painting lion male lion

Lion 12 x 16 Graphite on Paper framed and matted $200

Zebra Portrait 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat SOLD

Glare of the Bobcat 8x10 acrylic on convexo canvas $150

Dark Phase Fox Kit 8 x 16 acrylic on canvas board $175 framed

Hanging Out, Red Panda Mom and two Cubs 16 x 8 Acrylic on Canvas Board, $175 Framed

Taking a Break in Pastels framed and double matted overall size 24.5 x 28 inches $525

pastel painting cheetah cub portrait

Cheetah Cub Portrait 9 x 12 pastel on pastelmat unframed $100

Backyard Bobcat 16 x 20 Pastel on Pastelmat SOLD

Spring Calf 8 x 16 Acrylic on Canvas Board $175 framed

Portrait of Emmy “SOLD

Late for Dinner 8 x 16 acrylic on canvas board $175 framed

If at any time you see my artwork on any other media platform not associated with KAWilsonArt or Karen Wilson, it has been replicated without permission and is subject to legal action.